Sunday 31 May 2015

A health kick with The Organic Juicery

We all want glowing skin, higher energy levels and a strong immune system but when you lead a busy life it can be difficult to find the time to eat a healthy and balanced diet. As a food writer, I am fortunate enough to enjoy eating out regularly. This means that I enjoy more than my fair share of delicious desserts and rich sometimes I feel the need to have a little detox. When I am rushing here and there for meetings, I tend to eat sandwiches and wraps and Starbucks coffee practically runs through my veins! I have been feeling very tired and run-down lately, so I was delighted when I got the chance to try a box of delicious juices from The Organic Juicery* Using cold pressed technology which preserves all the goodness in the ingredients, The Organic Juicery makes delicious juices and nut milks using solely organic ingredients. Made with fruits, vegetables and superfoods, their juices are so full of good stuff, that they are certified by The Soil Association.  The juices only contain raw ingredients, meaning that the nutrients are preserved. I was excited to get started with the juices, having heard all about their powers to boost your energy levels, give you healthy skin and to strengthen your immune system.  

A huge box of juices arrived last week and I was so excited to get started on the plan. The Organic Juicery was founded by qualified nutritional consultant Hayley Fahy who ran a successful complementary health business for over 15 years. Hayley told me I could either drink the juices one of two ways. I could either do a three day cleanse, during which I would live on the juices alone or I could drink the juices over a period of more days alongside healthy meals. Needless to say I opted for the second option, since I have to eat out all the time living on nothing but juices for three days simply wasn’t possible for me. Nevertheless,  I can certainly see how much a three day cleanse would be beneficial if you can do it. On this occasion, I decided to drink the juices alongside or instead of my usual meals. I opened the box to find a selection of 15 delicious cold pressed juices within. So here is a bit more about each of the juices:

The feel good one: Beetroot, apple, cucumber, lemon, star anise with Acai Berry.

The morning one: Carrot, apple, lemon, ginger with Baobab.

The glorious green one: Kale, pear, cucumber, romaine, lemon with wheatgrass. 

The quick refresher one: Lemon, chia seed, filtered water, coconut nectar and Himalayan pink salt.

The fill me up one: Almonds, dates, filtered water, coconut nectar and Himalayan pink salt.

Just the appearance of the juices is enough to make you want to drink them, the packaging is so stylish and the ingredients are mouth-watering. Cold-pressed juicing is the premium way of producing juices so that all the goodness within is preserved. The juices are delivered by courier, in special temperature controlled packaging, with a foil lined box and ice packs to keep them cool. There were even cute stripy straws included!
The next day I got started with ‘the morning one’ which I sipped whilst sitting in the garden answering my morning emails, this was a delightful start to the day. The carrot flavour was offset by delicious apple, lemon, ginger and Baobab and I felt so energised, refreshed and surprisingly full. I had toast with honey on standby, but I did not even feel the need to eat it!

I headed off for a busy day, taking with me ‘the feel good one’, ‘the quick refresher one’ and the ‘fill me up one’.  By the middle of the morning I was feeling tired after a long journey, so I had ‘the quick refresher one’ which is sharp, citrusy and refreshing. I found this juice to be the perfect pick-me-up for when I felt worn out and the zingy citrus and delicious chia seeds put a spring in my step and woke me up! 
By lunchtime I felt full of energy and I had ‘the feel good one’ for lunch with a wholegrain chicken and avocado sandwich. I am not normally a fan of beetroot, but the flavour was delicious and the Acai berry added a fruity sweetness. I found it easy to concentrate on work all afternoon, which was lucky as I had plenty of writing to do! I felt as though the juices had already started to have a positive effect on my energy levels and my ability to concentrate. Another positive effect was that my mood was lifted and I felt very happy. Result! By late afternoon I felt slightly hungry and I knew that I would not be having dinner until 8pm so I reached for ‘the fill me up one’ instead of giving way to the temptations of having a biscuit! Words cannot describe how delicious ‘the fill me up one’ is. It is like having a milkshake and best of all it is completely dairy free because it is made from nut milk. The flavour of almonds, dates and coconut is simply delicious and the Himalayan pink salt gives it an added tang. I reached for 'the fill me up one' whenever I needed a treat and the sweetness made me feel so satisfied that I gave up chocolate and biscuits for the entire duration of the juice plan. 

 I went out for dinner the first night and had a simple Caesar salad. That night I slept better than I have in ages, which felt so good! The next day I varied things by starting the day with ‘the glorious green one’ which I took to a meeting with me. I got some curious looks during the meeting,  as everybody else was drinking coffee whilst I felt very smug and healthy drinking my green juice! The kale, cucumber, romaine and wheatgrass make this juice a super health booster and the lemon gives it an added zing. I have always been wary of green juices, but this one is yummy and full of goodness. 
Over the next few days, I drank the juices interspersed with healthy meal options such as free range eggs on wholegrain toast, porridge, soup, salad and pasta. 

Ok, I do have to confess that I still ate a few unhealthy things during the juice plan, such as when I went out for dinner and had almond tart for dessert! Nevertheless, I noticed an astonishing improvement in my overall health and wellbeing whilst I was on the juice plan.
Firstly, my energy and concentration levels soared and my skin looked more glowing than it has for a long time. My sleep patterns improved (normally I am a terrible insomniac) and I found that my craving for unhealthy foods diminished considerably. I would recommend The Organic Juicery to anybody who wants to give their health, wellbeing and nutrition a shake up. Delivered directly to your door for convenience, the juices are crammed with goodness and easy to enjoy alongside a healthy eating plan. 

More energy, glowing skin and even a smile-the side effects of these juices are life changing! 

Often I found that the juices filled me up so much that I did not even want to eat anything alongside them and this for me was an added bonus as lately I am so busy that I often find it difficult to make time to eat during the day. Alongside the juices I drank plenty of water and I felt that my body was more balanced and happy than it has been for a long time. I have to confess that I do not always eat as healthily as I could or should, and these juices really gave me a wake-up call as to how good I could feel if I incorporated more fruit and vegetables into my diet. They are delicious, convenient and full of goodness. I cannot wait to order my next box!
 There are several different boxes available from The Organic Juicery, including the 3 day classic cleanse, the beauty box, the greens box and the office wellness box. A huge thank you to The Organic Juicery for giving me a much needed health and happiness boost!
What do you all think, would you like to try one of The Organic Juicery boxes, and which one would you choose?

The Organic Juicery 

You can contact them here: 
Instagram: @organicjuicery_
Twitter: @organicjuicery_

So that is all from me for now. I am definitely a convert to delicious cold-pressed juices. I cannot wait to hear your thoughts and thank you so much for reading this post!

Until next time, 




I was kindly invited to review a juice box from The Organic Juicery, therefore the box was complimentary for review purposes. All opinions expressed are my own and honest.


  1. Wow, these sound amazing! There's definitely no way I would drink them as a meal substitute, but they sound absolutely delicious. Especially the 'fill me up' and the 'refresher' options. :)

    Tara x

  2. Sound delicious!! I love love love juices but rarely found like these at my places. Great post <3

  3. Yum, these look fantastic!
    Melanie @

  4. This sounds great and I would love to do something like this, it's just a shame it's not in my budget!
    -- / / x

  5. I have heard great things about these juice programs

  6. These look great! I would love to try this.


  7. I love fresh juices, I did a juice cleanse recently and felt so good afterwards!


  8. I need to go back to juicing, I feel so much better!

    xx Falasha
    Bite My Fashion ll Instagram ll Bloglovin'

  9. Yummy i need to get healthy again!!! This is a great way to start <3 Great post!

    Come by my page to check out my latest post!!!! xoxo

  10. These juices look incredible - thanks for sharing!

  11. This drink sounds good! i would love to try these! I gotta check it out :)

    Love Peace and Shimmer

  12. These all sound delicious, I love drinking fresh juice in the summer months.
